NET 1.1 Installation on Windows 7 | NETWORK PROBLEMS (Windows) | NETWORK TOOLS / UTILITIES | New Device Message | NoScript | Other Resources | OTHER INFORMATION | Paint - SAVE/COPY/EDIT PICTURES| PASSWORDS | PASSWORDS - Computer BIOS | PASSWORDS - WINDOWS | PowerShell Scripting | Print/Capture Screen Image | Printing Problems / Solutions | Process Monitor| ProcessTamer - stops CPU Hogging| MEMORY - How much can Windows Use? | KVM Linux| KVM Switch| Locked Files | MALWARE REMOVAL| Map / UNmap Drives | Master Boot Record (MBR)| MEMORY - How much can Windows Use?| MEMORY - TEST| MICROSOFT FILE VIEWERS| My RECOMMENDED WINDOWS TOOLS & UTILITIES|
Hardware (Installed) | Free HELP| IM| Installation Problems | Internet Connection is Slow| INTERNET EXPLORER | Ipconfig | ISO Images | JAVA | JAVA CONSOLE VERSION| | FTP Commands | FreeByte ZIP - does NOT need to be installed | GREP / EGREP / IGREP for Windows - Cygwin | GUID |
docm WORD Files - Free Plugin from MS | DOS Boot Proccess / Startup | Downloads of EXEs FAIL | Drivers | DropBox file transfer | EFI | Email |Įmail ENCRYPTION| Email - MISSING IMAGES | Email - Recover | Email - READ a saved FILE | Email - SAVE to a FILE | Email - Scramble your Email Address |ĮMOTICONS do NOT show/display| Enterprise Backup | EXEs FAIL to Download | FAX | FILE RECOVERY/UNDELETE | File Share/Transfer/Synch | Files and File Systems (Windows) | Firefox | Firefox won't allow login | FIREFOX EMOTICONS do NOT show/display| FONTS | FTP, CuteFTP, SmartFTP, FileZilla.
I can again, finally, just drag and drop images to the email with no worries, yippie!.INDEX - WINDOWS TIPS JUMP TABLE Backing up the Registry | Host / Home Computer Backup | Enterprise Backup| XP Backup | Bandwidth Calculators | BIOS | BIOS Passwords | Boot Proccess / Startup | BOOT CDs / FLOPPIES | BOOT LOGGING | CLEAN YOUR COMPUTER - DUST/DIRT| CPU HOGS | ProcessTamer - stops CPU Hogging| BOOTING SAFE MODE | BOOT TROUBLESHOOTING | What Programs are Running | BugMeNot - allows you to login without having your own User ID| Calendars | CCleaner - Crap and Registry Cleaner - FREE & GREAT |ĬLEAN YOUR COMPUTER - DUST/DIRT| CLSID | DirectX | DISK Defragmentation | DISK IMAGE Software | DISK RECOVERY | DISK WIPING (destroy data on an HDD) |. I finally ran Xcode and wrote this tiny plugin that forces images not to inline. I have waited for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) hoping that this annoyance will go away.
As good old Attachment Tamer stopped working there was no other way than to code one. Google searches didn't provide much except that other people are having the same problem.

I've tried every possible combination to disable image inlining with options and defaults but without any luck. The solution is to disable image inlining. Also a lot of those people are not tech savvy so they quickly lose patience and move on. The images always end up inlined and the result is that the people who receive my emails get this little tiny image without options and need to do extra work to see the image.

However, there is this annoying issue with sending image attachments to anyone who is not using Mail app (gmail, yahoo, outlook, thunderbird.). It is so much more than the other bloated mail client apps. The Mail app is fast, simple, quick and fun to work with. I've been struggling with OS X Mail app for some time now. (this is an old post, to see updates please go to homepage) The problem